Please congratulate all of our awards winners!

ALS Responder Tom Chavez SCFD 8

BLS Responder: Summer Starks (Deer Park Ambulance)

EMS Agency: Chief Tony Nielsen (SCFD 8)

EMS Instructor – John Cappellano, SFD (unable to attend)

Safety: Chris Wyrobeck (SCFD 8)

Special Services: Bethany Cobb (SCFD 5)

EMS Hero: Dave Sanchez (SVFD)
Also receiving the EMS hero award for the same incident but unable to attend the awards: Jeff Fraser, Trevor Britton, Nate Brown, Paul Haller, Scott Whitaker SVFD

EMS Hero: Max Clutter (SVFD)

Outstanding Lifetime Service: Doug Archer Family accepting 1986-2016

Outstanding Lifetime Service: Toby Combs (AMR)

Outstanding Lifetime Service: Dr. Mike Metcalf (SCFD 8)